Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My email to Rep. Jim Gerlach today.

I am outraged by the Republicans refusal to raise the debt ceiling without raising revenue while cutting services to the disabled, the frail, the elderly, poverty-stricken, millions of the jobless and don't end healthcare for children.

Reublicans are shamless too and proud of it in a sick greedy way.

You will cut Medicare and Social Security so people earning over $200,000 get to keep an extra 3% that the Bush taxcuts took out of the economy without paying for them. You voted for this and you also voted for the Iraq War, which wasn't paid for and you kept on raising the debt ceiling to pay for it. The constant screaming of "less government" and "less regulation" is a scam so frackers can poison our water and mining companies pollute rivers and ruin mountains.

Raise the damn debt ceiling. Take a stand against a bunch of new Koch Brothers funded teaparty congressmen. Why should they be allowed to ruin our American system of protecting our environment and health care for all. It is a human right.

I am very very angry and I too need our social security checks to pay our mortgate and I need medicare which partially paid for my breast cancer treatment when I turned 65 in the middle of it. I do not abuse it either.

My husband and I worked all our lives putting in money to pay for SS and Medicare. Raise the ceiling on salaries to entire paychecks and there will be no problem with future monies to pay for both.

What happened to nice Republicans who used to care about the environment and normal people? People who aren't millionaires?

And please tell your fellow congressmen to stop the constant droning about the "job creators" as they've had the taxcuts since Bush passed them and no new jobs were created. It is just a focus group tested slogan.

This is going to be the Republican Party's Waterloo and if I were you, I'd care more about your constituents than any pledge signed for Grover Norquist. He is a terrorist.


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