Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What will Ken Salazar do about the Endangered Species Act?

On their way out, the Bush administration is delisting as many creatures and animals from the Endangered Species Act as fast as they can.
So I would like to know what will the new Secretary of the Interior do about this issue? When Barack Obama announced this appointment to his cabinet, he stressed two times that Salazar is "his good friend."
Is that why he was chosen? He said he wanted dissenting voices in his cabinet but I doubt if this choice is any better than the Bushy Dirk Kempthorne. Does this mean that Obama does not have empathy for wildlife because he keeps saying America has the great???? American tradition of hunting. I am almost.....pissed off. As far as I was concerned this was the most important cabinet post he could make and he chose the ten-gallon hat wearing defender of big business.
Just found this article about Salazar at the NYT's.
"One senior Interior Department executive described the job Mr. Salazar has been chosen for as “the booby prize of the Cabinet.”

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