Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rep. Tom Price of Georgia is an idiot. So are John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.

I just watched him on Fox News being interviewed by Bill Hemsley, saying that he was creating a GOP resolution to obstruct the infrastructure economic stimulus plan that President Elect Obama will submit to Congress. If the plan is not in the interest of every state whether they need it or not, he and his GOP brethern plan to obstruct it. He said it has to live up to "free market economic principles".
Look where that got us, in a ever widening deep pit of misery. Where was his economic principles in obstruction to the billions spent weekly on the war in Iraq? How will that benefit future generations? The man is a clown.
I went to his website to point that out on his contact-me page. I was respectful. You can't comment unless you live in his district of Georgia. I put in the correct zip code and phone number and the silly box code you have to enter exactly and attempted to submit it several times. It would not accept the validation code. Therefore, I am writing about him here.
Update: Apparently this is a plan by Senator Mitch McConnell and Rep. John Boehner. They are about to treat a President Obama as harshly as they did Bill Clinton. Just what they need, more hatred from the electorate. The Republican Party is doomed. They are all old so hopefully they will be dying out literally.

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